Aktuelle Ausgabe

Urban Farming Projekt Liesing Mitte "Garteln Hoch 3 / In der Wien Ost", Quelle: STUDIOVLAY

Cities as innovation drivers
Technological building blocks for sustainable urban development

Tomorrow‘s cities fulfil the need of a high quality of life, and are characterized by responsible, economical management of our resources. Sustainable urban development emphasizes intelligent systems ..... Read full article
aspern-die seestadt, Boulevard, Quelle: schreinerkastler.at / Wien 3420

Smart urban development
European und national initiatives

Today more than half the world‘s population and two-thirds of Europeans are living in cities or urban areas; the figure for Austria is 64 %. The global ..... Read full article
Freiraumtypologien Leasing Mitte "Garten Hoch 3 / In der Wiesen Ost", Quelle: STUDIOVLAY

Smart City Vienna
Model for intelligent urban development in Europe

All over the world the City of Vienna, with its 1.7 million inhabitants, is seen as an example of exceptional urban quality of life. The city aims ..... Read full article
Science Tower, Quelle: Markus pernthaler Architekten zt gmbh

Smart Future Graz
„Urban building blocks“ self sufficiant in energy

Graz is a fast-growing city with limited space for settlement. That is why urban development in Graz is focussed on packing more into parts of the inner ..... Read full article

Interview with Kai Uwe Hoffer
Project management Smart Future Graz Urban Planning Directorate Graz

„Smart City“ refers to a city which combines a high quality of life with climate protection and resource efficiency. What are the specific measures that the planning ..... Read full article
Stadtwerk Lehen, Quelle: Fotohof/Andrew Phelps

Salzburg – from Smart Grid to Smart City
New energy strategies for worth living urban quarters

As a Smart Grids Model Region, the City of Salzburg has a large repertoire of emission-reducing initiatives for climate protection. Building on this, the city has defined ..... Read full article
Zentrum Living Lab, Leopold Hrazdil Straße, Quelle: Meine Heimat

Villach – Vision Step I
Smart test areas and strong public participation

Working together with well-known partners from industry and  research (AIT Energy Department, CTR Carinthian Tech Research, FH Kärnten and the four companies KNG Kärnten Netz GmbH, Infineon, ..... Read full article

Transnational cooperation
Smart Cities activities in the D–A–CH countries

Through its activities and programmes aimed at the “sustainable city”, Austria has laid the groundwork for setting up programme networks and research collaboration arrangements at the EU ..... Read full article