Photo: Projektfabrik Waldhör KG

Photo: Projektfabrik Waldhör KG

Strategies for Smart City Vienna

Smart City Vienna is all about a sustainable energy system, intelligent transport services and efficient urban and building structures to make the city worth living in. With the aid of integrated energy and urban planning approaches, pioneering techniques to save energy and carbon dioxide are being developed in Vienna. The research project Transform+ (headed by ÖIR – the Austrian Institute for Spatial Planning – in collaboration with MA 18, the city department of urban development and urban planning) augments Austria’s activities within the EU initiative TRANSFORM with a concrete, comprehensive Smart City development strategy for Vienna. In the course of the project a transformation plan for the post-fossil city has been drawn up, stakeholder fora and a Smart City Working Group put in place and energy-specific datasets as well as quantitative analytic tools for energy-oriented spatial planning constructed.

Planning activities focussed on implementation in the districts of Liesing-Groß-Erlaa and Aspern – Vienna’s Urban Lakeside are intended to push sustainable development ahead at the local level. Consistent energy supply strategies and concrete pilot applications have been worked out for both districts. The Smart Citizen Assistant provides the residents of the Urban Lakeside with data in user-friendly formats to simplify saving energy, and makes vital information from the district available. The potential for setting up a pool of electric-powered delivery vans on a trading estate has been investigated in the project e-delivery.

Ina Homeier / Vienna city department of urban development and urban planning MA 18