Photo: ÖGUT/Petra Blauensteiner

Photo: ÖGUT/Petra Blauensteiner

Photovoltaik Power Systems Programme

Within the framework of the International Energy Agency‘s (IEA) technology programmes Austrian experts from research organizations and industry play an active part in international study groups. PVPS is a programme covering all aspects of PV systems. Task 15 is concerned with the increasingly important issue of “Building-integrated PV” (BIPV), a field of research linking energy systems, architecture and civil engineering together. Building-integrated PV has remarkable potential especially in building renovation. As active components PV systems can take the place of other elements, such as shading devices or roof cladding, etc., and thus play a significant part in sustainable urban planning. 

As part of Task 12 extensive information about “PV Environmental Health and Safety” and all dimensions of sustainability over the entire life cycle of PV systems is being edited for the general public and for policy makers. The Task is currently dealing with recycling production

„Alongside examining cradle-to-grave environmental impacts it is also essential to take social aspects into account, in order to ensure that PV is implemented sustainably. Under the lead-management of the Austrian and Spanish representatives in Task 12 socio-economic aspects of PV will be investigated in the forthcoming period and a method of assessing these will be developed.“

Austrian representative IEA PVPS Task 12
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
Departement of Renewable Energy